Lodge St Margaret No.548 Some Historical Notes Lodge St Margaret No.548 2nd February, 1874 SponsorLodges: Ancient Brazen No.17 Kirknewton and Ratho No.85 On the second day of February in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Four, and of Light Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Eight, Lodge Saint Margaret Number 548 was granted a charter from the Grand Lodge of Scotland by Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart, Baronet, Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland; the Right Honourable Lord James Charles Plantagenet Murray, Right Worshipful Depute Grand Master; Captain James Townsend Oswald of Dunikier, Right Worshipful Substitute Grand Master; William Mann, Esquire, Acting Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden; Major Hamilton Ramsay of Garion, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden; and John Laurie, Esquire, Right Worshipful Grand Secretary. The first meeting held by the Lodge, as recorded in the Minute Book, was on March 14th 1874. The first Minute reads: "Lodge opened in the First Degree, Worshipful Master T. Wilkie in the chair. Brother Hutton was proposed and balloted for. Affiliations for Lodge St Margaret No.548 were balloted for. The Lodge proceeded to initiate Robert Henderson.
The Lodge proceeded to ballot for James Sanley proposed by Brother Steel, seconded by Brother Jones (carried). The Lodge proceeded to ballot for William Cheneworth which was carried. It was agreed that the subscription for the quarter ending 31st March should be paid on 20th March and the quarter ending 30th June to be paid the second Thursday in April and the next special meeting to be held on Friday, 20th March at 7pm.
signed: N Clodd, Secretary Approved: Thomas Wilkie, Worshipful Master"
Brother Robert Henderson, the first initiate into Lodge St. Margaret, apparently went on to Lodge Kelso, No.58 where he served as Tyler from 1893 to 1924. An extract from the Minutes for April 21st 1874 shows that, for the consecration of the Lodge (which took place some time after the constitution of the Lodge) the correct dress would be white gloves, white ties and black clothing. Tickets were initially to be 7/6d each which was afterwards reduced to 4/- on advice from the Grand Secretary, Brother Laurie.
On May 7th 1874 the Minute Book shows that the Lodge was opened in the First Degree, Brother Wilkie in the Chair, for consecration of the Lodge when deputations from Grand Lodge and Sister Lodges attended. A procession formed and proceeded to the School Room (the present Temple) for the Holy purpose of consecration. At the banquet which followed the consecration, the "usual toast was given to the Queen and Prince of Wales and all the Royal Family and the Craft, and a number of others." On June 5th 1874, Lodge St Margaret received her first visitation, a deputation from Lodge No 5 Leith. On July 14th 1874 an extract from the Minutes show that "it was agreed to record a vote of thanks to Wilsons Trustees and the School Board for their kindness in granting the use of the Library and the School Rooms for a Lodge." Lodge St Margaret acquired the present Temple premises late in 1874 and the minute shows: "the Secretary stated that he had received from the Clerk of Dalmeny and Queensferry School Board the following excerpt from the Minutes of said Board: 'December 25th 1874 Dalmeny and Queensferry School Board. The Board did and thereby do authorise the Chairman to grant a disposition in favour of the Mason Lodge St Margaret for those acting for their behalf of those subjects, commonly called the Burgh School of Queensferry, and dwelling house adjacent thereto, all being the property of Dalmeny and Queensferry Board at the price of two hundred pounds sterling, payable at the date when the new school shall be ready for occupation. The expense to be mutually borne by both parties. Further authorise the Chairman to employ Mr Thomas Whyte, SSC, to carry out the transaction in legal form, and further authorise the Clerk to send an excerpt of this minute to the Secretary of the Masonic Lodge and request their acceptance or rejection of the offer on or before the 29th current'."
The minutes show that on July 6th 1875 a meeting was held in Newhalls Inn (now the Hawes Inn) at 4.00pm where a deputation from Grand Lodge was received. At this meeting Grand Lodge Conferred on Brother Glendinning what would appear to be the installed Master degree. After a banquet at the Inn, the meeting adjourned to the Lodge Room at 6.00pm. At 7pm the Lodge was opened with Brother Glendinning in the chair.
There has always been a close tie between Freemasonry in South Queensferry and the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and on the 14th October 1879 the Minute Book shows that it was agreed to give £1 from the funds of the Lodge towards the Infirmary and allow any member to subscribe what he pleased and remit same to the Grand Secretary, for the Masonic Ward. On 3rd December 1881 Lodge St Margaret sent a deputation of ten members to assist in laying a memorial stone at Bo'ness Docks with Masonic honours. On December 19th 1882, the Minute Book shows that Brother Glendinning had purchased for the Lodge the lower part of the old school house at the price of £73 sterling which the Secretary had paid to the Provost and Treasurer of the Burgh, the money being raised on loan at five per cent from the following brothers of the Lodge: Brother Hugh MacKintosh in the sum of £20 Brother James Sandercombe in the sum of £20 Brother Daniel Stewart in the sum of £15 Brother William Munro in the sum of £18 Total £73 In January 1883 a deputation from Lodge St Margaret visited Buchan St John Lodge, Broxburn to assist in the laying of a foundation stone for a new Church. The Minute Book for the 14th August 1882 shows that the members of Lodge St Margaret considered establishing a Limited Company in order to raise capital to build a new hall. Estimates were received from various contractors to the total amount of £232 18/- and this amount was quickly subscribed by members of the Lodge. The first recorded grant in respect of benevolence made by Lodge St. Margaret was in April 12th 1887 to a visiting brother from Royal Arch Lodge, Cambuslang, when he was granted 2/- which was thankfully received. At the St John's Festival on December 27th 1887, the Lodge met and adjourned for a procession, preceded by the Queensferry Brass Band and marched with torchlight around the principal streets of the town and, having again entered the Lodge the Worshipful Master took the chair and thanked the members for the honour conferred upon him.
On January 10th 1888, the members of the Lodge instructed the Secretary to purchase four pairs of woollen drawers for the use of candidates. In April 1888 Lodge St Margaret petitioned Grand Lodge for Transference to the Metropolitan District of Edinburgh. On May 5th 1888 the Lodge passed a motion that the Master should be granted the authority to provide relief for poor brethren passing through the town, the amount of relief being, at the Master's discretion, 6d to 3/-. Once again, members of Lodge St Margaret were invited to assist at the laying of a foundation stone for Lodge Zetland No.391, Grangemouth. On January 18th 1897 a Lodge Assembly, or Ball, was held, presided over by Bro G B Sandercombe, RWM, the receipts on account of tickets amounting to £9 5 0d and the drawings from the bar amounting to £4 1 5d. The total expenses came to £11 12 0d, there being a balance in hand of £1 14 5d. On February 5th 1901 it was proposed by Bro G B Sandercome, PM, and seconded by Bro W Marshall that Lodge St Margaret record in their minutes their profound sorrow and deep sympathy with King Edward VII in the irreparable loss of his beloved Mother and Queen. His Majesty being Grand Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of England and Honorary Member of several other Lodges. On April 19th 1901 a jewel was presented to Bro Sandercombe, PM, by Bro W Marshall and in a few well chosen and well deserved remarks, decorated Bro Sandercombe with same. Toasts and speeches interspersed with songs and banjo selections continued until rather late in the evening when the brethren most quietly dispersed. On 8th December 1903 a letter was read from the Grand Lodge and it was unanimously agreed that the Lodge be registered as a Club. On 24th May 1904 general committee proposals were approved by the Lodge for:
In May 1905 the committee decided to hold a picnic at St Andrew's with no ladies present. In June, this proposal caused great discussion in the Lodge with the presence of ladies being the main point. As a result the picnic was abandoned. On 9th January 1906 a paragraph of a letter from Provincial Grand Secretary was read congratulating Lodge St Margaret on the number of entrants for the year ending 30th November 1905 which mentioned that Lodge St Margaret far exceeded any other Lodge in the Province. On January 4th 1915 Lodge members were advised that the military authorities had taken the hall since the morning of the 23rd December and, as there was the likelihood of them being in possession of the hall for an indefinite period, the committee considered its only course was to intimate to Grand Lodge that it was proposed to suspend the meetings until further notice. The military advised that they would pay a rent of £3 per week for the use of the hall. On 26th January 1915 the Secretary notified the Lodge that the Black Watch Regiment would not require the Masonic Hall as a billet after the 25th January. It was agreed to ask the Sanitary Inspector to have the premises disinfected and, after that was done, the Tyler was instructed to arrange for having the hall cleaned. On Tuesday 8th October 1918 the Master stated that shortly after the Lodge was closed for the summer vacation, the Admiralty had commandeered the upper hall for the purpose of storing hospital cots and that the Provincial Grand Substitute Master and Provincial Grand Secretary had visited Queensferry and examined the lower hall. They approved of Lodge meetings being held there in the meantime. Meetings continued in the lower hall until March 11th 1919. The Lodge met on Tuesday 12th November 1918 the day after Armistice Day, and the Master referred in appropriate terms to the cessation of hostilities after fully four years of war and expressed appreciation of this Lodge to the various branches of the Services for the part they had taken in maintaining the rights of justice. He mentioned that between 50 and 60 active members of the Lodge – five of whom had fallen and one of whom was a prisoner of war - were on the Roll of Honour and hoped that the absent brethren would soon be home among their friends again. On 10th December 1918, the Master, on behalf of the Lodge, extended a very cordial welcome to Brother John Wilson who was present and had been only a day or two previously returned from Belgium where he had been a prisoner of war for some months. Bro Wilson was heartily congratulated on his safe return and the Lodge expressed the hope that he would soon be restored to his usual health and able to take an active interest in the affairs of the Lodge, as he had done in the past. Bro Wilson thanked the brethren for giving him such a hearty reception and related some of his sad experiences while he was a prisoner of war. In October 1927 members of the Lodge decided to install electric lighting in the Temple. An estimate was accepted from Thomas Laurie and Co, Electrical Engineers, Falkirk, to install 21 lights, 5 lighting plugs and one watertight outside bracket for the sum of £33 19 6d. On 23rd September 1930 the RWM reported that the Lodge had bought from South Queensferry Town Council property adjoining the Masonic Hall known as the Old Library together with the piece of land between Lilybank and the Old Library for £50. The Old Library for many years served the Lodge as a kitchen and bar and is now the East section of the main hall. At a meeting held on 23rd December 1920 a letter was read from Mr Charters (Dalmeny) regarding the ceiling including his estimate of £9 9 0d for putting Cel-O-Tex over the existing ceiling which he said "would stay up". This tender was accepted and the ceiling remains today. In April 1931 the Lodge held a whist drive and dance which realised the net sum of £14 12 3d which sum was made up to £15 0 0d and donated to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. In November 1934 the Lodge installed the first almoners, Bro T M G Haigh, PM and Bro R Dick. On 25th June 1935 a hearty welcome was given to visiting brethren especially the deputation from USS Wyoming of the United States Navy and several visitors replied. On 28th July 1936 the Minutes show that Bro W Russell, PM, (Lodge St Margaret's oldest Past Master) was introduced. Bro Russell stated that he had been a Past Master 45 years and, after 40 years absence it had been a great pleasure to be in Lodge St Margaret again and complimented the Lodge on its working of the degree. He stated that the original number of Lodge St Margaret was 288 and that the meetings were held in the Hawes Hotel; that was in 1820. However, owing to lack of numbers and support the Lodge ceased to exist while the Charter was returned to Grand Lodge and the Number (288) went to a Canadian Lodge. The Jewels were divided amongst the Office Bearers and his great-grandfather receive the Square and Compasses. These two Jewels had been handed down to him and he had much pleasure in presenting them to the new Lodge St Margaret and wished the Lodge every success. On the 26th January 1937 the first business was the dedication of a Master's Memorial Table and Tablet and Bro Walker invited Bro T M G Haigh PM, to accept the gavel to carry out the duties. Bro Haigh thanked the Master for the privilege and, after outlining the origin and application of the monies of the Memorial Fund, unveiled the Memorial Table. An oration was given by Bro Dr Mason. He referred to the distressing years 1914 to 1918 and the sacrifices made during that time. The Lodge had a large number who served with the Forces and six had made the supreme sacrifice and although time had mellowed these losses, the memory of those brethren who fell would ever be kept green. The Memorial would be a perpetual reminder of those brethren. Bro Rev Bower-Wilson then offered a prayer of dedication and Bro Piper Sergeant James Sanderson played a lament. For many years the west end of the Lodge rooms comprised the Tyler's house. In February 1937 it was agreed that part of the Tyler's house be converted into anterooms for the Lodge. In April 1937 the Lodge heating was considered and a motion that the estimate of the City of Edinburgh Gas Department be accepted was carried. Details of the estimate are as follows: “To supply and fix three six-loop radiators, 40 inches high at an annual rental of 13/- each. These are fitted free up to 60 feet of piping. Gas consumption would not exceed 2d per hour for the system."
In October 1939 the Secretary read a letter received from the West Lothian-Education Committee advising that the Masonic Hall had been commandeered. The Lodge was allowed occasional use of the Hall outside school hours for Masonic purposes. The lower hall was occupied by the Air Raids Precautions Committee. In November, however, the Hall was taken over by the Royal Air Force.
It was decided to rent the Lodge organ to the Chaplain at HMS Lochinvar at Butlaw, at a nominal sum. On 12th December 1939 the first meeting of the Lodge at the Stag Head Hotel was held. A special meeting of the Lodge was held Thursday 31st October 1940, under special dispensation from the Provincial Grand Lodge, in the Lodge Rooms of Lodge Buchan St John No 636, Broxburn, for the purpose of working a Mark degree. Several brethren were advanced to the Mark degree, the number being too great for accommodation in the Stag Head Hotel. On 11th March 1941 Lodge St Margaret met at the Parish Church Hall in South Queensferry for the first time, the Lodge Rooms still being occupied by the War Department. On 25th June 1943 a special meeting of the Management Committee was held in the Masonic Hall which had, by then been vacated by the Royal Air Force. Arrangements were made to repair damages done to the premises. The special emergency meeting took place on Tuesday 13th July, where it was learned that the estimated damages amounted to £106 9/-. On 24th September 1946 a special meeting was held at which the Fellow Craft degree was worked by ex-Service members. In October 1946 it was agreed by the Lodge that a Tablet be placed on the Memorial Table in honour of the brothers who made the supreme sacrifice in the Second World War. On Tuesday 18th October 1949 Lodge St Margaret held 75th Anniversary celebrations at which the War Memorial Tablet was unveiled by the Right Worshipful Grand Master Mason and, at the same time, he unveiled the Past Masters Plaque. During the same ceremony, Bro William Marshall, PM, was presented with the Hon Grand Bible Bearer's jewel. In September 1953 the Lodge performed a very pleasing function to one and all when Past Master Bro T M G Haigh, Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden, "Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, was introduced and presented with the Honorary Grand Bible Bearer's jewel by Bro Dr Alexander Buchan, Past Master of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning No 2, Worshipful Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. In November 1953 the Lodge purchased a photograph of the late King George VI, Past Grand Master Mason of Scotland. On 11th October 1960 Bro Ralph C E Wright, CMBHI, presented a clock to the Lodge which is till ticking in the Lodge hall. Bro Wright's father was Jeweller to the Lodge for many years as was Bro Wright himself. In September 1962 an organ was gifted to the Lodge by Bro George MacKay of Lodge Roman Eagle No.160 and it was dedicated by Bro Rev Dr Lewis LL Cameron, CBE, DD, BSc, JP, Past Grand Chaplain, Past Provincial Grand Master of Linlithgowshire and an Honorary Member of Lodge St Margaret. In April 1965 Lodge St Margaret decided to omit the Ancient Penalties from the Obligations and an explanation of the same be given. In the summer of 1963 the old staircase from the upper to the lower hall was reversed to give better access, the new Gentlemen's toilet was constructed and committee rooms and anterooms were constructed using the old Tyler's house. Most of the work was done during the summer recess on a voluntary basis by several of the brethren. In May 1966 it was agreed that the Lodge should close for the summer recess in April instead of May. It was also agreed that the Depute Master and the Substitute Master become members of the Enquiry Committee. In February 1967 the brethren, again on a voluntary basis, redecorated the upper hall, the lower hall, the committee rooms and the anterooms, and also pointed the south face of the building. On 22nd March 1970 several brethren from Lodge St Margaret attended the Parish Church on the occasion of the 900th Anniversary of the arrival of Queen Margaret in South Queensferry. During the summer recess of 1970 many brethren turned out to accomplish a major transformation in the Lodge premises. The partition dividing the East of the Lodge from the kitchen and bar (access to which was through a small door behind the Master's chair) was removed and the Hall extended to the outer East Wall. A new bar and storeroom were built on the south wall of the Lodge Room and a new kitchen was built at the west end in what had once been the Tyler's house. The Lodge room was also provided with a new floor. Alterations at the same time were carried out in the lower hall and in the anterooms. In the following March a sale of work was held which realised the sum of £207 which was used to install oil-fired central heating during the summer recess.
On 28th April 1971 the Minute Book shows: “'This day a luncheon was held within the Masonic Hall, South Queensferry, on the occasion of the visit of the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Brother David Liddell-Grainger of Ayton C.St.J, DL, FSA (SCOT) at the commencement of his tour of Lodges within the Province prior to the installation of Brother Dr Ian Thomson, MB, CHB, as Provincial Grand Master of Linlithgowshire at Bathgate that evening." The Minute Book was signed by all those present: D Liddell-Grainger, Grand Master Mason Ian H Thomson, DGM, Provincial Grand Master, Hon Member 548 Robert Wolrige Gordon, JGW, PGM Aberdeenshire East Alex F Buchan, Grand Secretary Ken Byers, Grand Treasurer, PGM Lanarkshire , MW E Stuart Falconer, Assistant Grand Secretary Alexander Pennycook, IPPGM - Grand Marshall William Sloss, Second Grand Standard Bearer and Provincial Grand Secretary of Fife & Kinross James Milne, DPGM Linlithgowshire, PM 548 Robert S Beveridge, PGSW Archibald Mathieson, PPGSW, PM 548 Alex Fraser, RWM 548 William Walker, IPM 548 J Young, DM 548 John G Colquhoun, SW 548 Nicol Smith, PM Secretary 548 Robert Leil, Steward No 1 548 Alex Fraser, MM 548 Richard Cook, MM Victoria 73 (Lachine, Que. Canada) DE Cunningham, MM 1294 (Chef) HJ Mackay, MM 145 (Waiter)
On 28th November 1972 a letter was read from the West Lothian' County Council informing the Lodge that the premises had been listed as of special architectural or historical interest under the Town and Country Act 1947. On 25th September 1973 the degree was worked by the reigning Masters of the Province of Linlithgowshire. This concludes the highlights the first 100 years of the Lodge history as gleaned from the record books. Lodge St Margaret has always had a close association with the Royal Navy and, in fact, of the first 300 petitions received, no fewer than 146 came from the Navy. We have records of naval brethren visiting Lodges throughout the world. Bro R Dalby, Chaplain of HMS Galatea, became RWM of the Lodge from 1895 to 1896. He was, in fact, prevented from officiating in the Chair due to the exigencies of the Service. Also during the early petitions there were a considerable number from engineers, platers, donkeymen etc working on the construction of the Road Bridge. In later years, during the construction of the Forth Road Bridge, several workers joined Lodge St Margaret. The construction of the Road Bridge made it far easier for inter visitation with Lodges north of the Forth which had hitherto been dependent on the ferryboat services. In addition to Naval personnel, Army and Air Force personnel stationed in the vicinity during two World Wars swelled the ranks of the Lodge. In fact, since its constitution in 1874, Lodge St Margaret has welcomed 1105 members. Our oldest known living member is Bro RE Millar who was initiated in 1915. Bro Millar moved his business from South Queensferry to Winchburgh and found it rather difficult cycling to and from the meetings at South Queensferry. He affiliated to Lodge Kirkliston Maitland, No.482 and became a Past Master of that Lodge. In recent years he was appointed Honorary Grand Marshall of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. In looking back let us be thankful for the faithful service of so many of our members. In looking forward let us be confident that Lodge St Margaret will continue to flourish.
Continuing on the next 25 years With the 4th February 1974 being the Centenary of the founding of the Lodge a rededication service was held in the Masonic Hall on the afternoon of the 9th February. On this occasion the ceremony was conducted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland headed by Bro Dr Ian H Thomson, Past Depute Grand Master ably assisted by Grand Chaplain. In the evening a celebration dinner was held in the Rosebery Hall where the usual toasts were heartily pledged and warmly responded and a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close by the company singing Auld Lang Syne. Earlier in the day the deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland were hosted to lunch by Bro Provost James Milne MM and Bro John G Colquhoun IPM, Senior Baillie in the Burgh Chalmers. After lunch the party enjoyed a visit to the Burgh Museum. In gratitude for this hospitality and to further cement the relationship between the Lodge and the Burgh, the Brethren presented a commemorative seat to the Council. The seat is located in Nivensgreen Garden, Station Road overlooking the bowling green. It may also be of note that the cost of a pint of beer was 15p and a nip of whisky 17p during the Lodge's Centenary year. On the 13th March 1975 the Lodge was opened for the funeral service of Bro George Byers, Sword Bearer. The Brethren of the Lodge assembled and proceeded in procession to Queensferry Parish Church where the funeral service was officiated by the Reverend John Carrie, Parish Minister and the Reverend J Arnold Fletcher, Provincial Grand Chaplain. At the Installation of Officer Bearers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland on the 27th November 1975 Bro James Milne PM had the honorary rank of Grand Architect conferred on him by Bro Captain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont, Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason in recognition of his eight years as Depute Provincial Grand Master of Linlithgowshire.
On 28th September 1976 Bro Richard Edgar Millar MM of Lodge St Margaret No 548 and PM of Kirkliston Maitland 482, 548's oldest living member was presented with a Distinguished Service Diploma to mark his 60 years of service to Freemasonry by Bro Robert Donaldson RWM. On 8th November 1979, Bro John Thomson, on behalf of his parents, presented his Mother Lodge with his family bible. This bible is still being used by Brethren of 548 to take or renew their vows. It was with deep regret that the Lodge was informed of the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Bro Richard Edgar Millar on 25th November 1977 who was initiated in 1915. At the time of his death Bro Millar was the Lodge's oldest member. The Provincial Grand Master Bro Rev William Hume was made an Honorary Member of the Lodge on the 24th October 1978. This was followed one week later when Bro Thomas Millar, Lodge St Mary No 31, and Bro Robert Kirkwood, Lodge Heart of Midlothian No 832, were conferred Honorary Membership by Bro Robert Summers RWM in recognition of their renovation work in the lower hall. On 9th February 1979 Bro Alexander Fraser PM was installed as Provincial Grand Master of Linlithgowshire by Bro Charles Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont. This is the highest honour ever bestowed on a brother of Lodge St Margaret. At the annual communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire on the 6th February 1981 Bro Alex Fraser, Provincial Grand Master conferred the rank of Honorary Senior Provincial Deacon upon Bro James Small in appreciation of his long and faithful service to his Mother Lodge. On 21st September 1979 the Lodge was honoured by a large deputation from Lodge Sternan Erbach No.3 of the United Grand Lodge of Germany who has a close connection with Lodge Ancient Brazen No. 17, one of our sponsor Lodges. At the regular meeting on the 10th November 1981, Bro Derek Milne, Substitute Master, on behalf of the Management Committee, informed the Brethren that the financial package required to alter the premises and form a social club as previously displayed and discussed had been approved. The Brethren, by a large majority, proposed that the alterations should proceed.
On the 24th November 1981 Bro James Milne PM was presented with the regalia of Past Depute Provincial Grand Master and Bro James Small with a collaret and jewel of an Honorary Senior Provincial Grand Deacon for their services to their Mother Lodge. From May 1982 until September the alterations to the Lodge premises were carried out comprising a committee room, ladies and gents toilets on the ground floor and kitchen, bar and lounge area at the west end of the main hall. The cost of the alterations was £40,000. Before, during and after the extensive alterations the following Brethren of the Lodge gave sterling service: Bro Derek Milne RWM, Bro Robert Summers PM, Bro Alex Fraser PM, Bro William Walker PM, Bro Alexander Tulloch PM, Bro James Milne PM, Bro Donald Cameron SM, Bro David Lloyd JW, Bro Morris Ellard - Treasurer, Bro Kenneth Cooper JD, Bro Jim McDonald IG, Bro Tony Lynch - Jeweller, Bro David Leil - Architect, Bro Alex Irving - Tyler, Bro Tom Chmylowskyj, Bro Colin Walker, Bro John Patterson, Bro Arthur Kennie, Bro James Simpson, Bro George Dalgliesh and numerous other Brethren. The official opening of the St Margaret Social Club premises by Bro Alex Fraser, Provincial Grand Master took place on Thursday 28th October 1982. On the 23rd November 1982 two Lewis members Gary Donaldson, son of Bro Robert Donaldson PM and Fraser Summers, some of Bro Robert Summers PM, had the Entered Apprentice Degree conferred on them during which Bro Tom Ogilvie PM of Lodge Trafalgar No.223 gave the lecture on the Lewis Stone to the delight of all present. At the installation meeting on the 14th January 1983, the Lodge was honoured by a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, headed by Bro JM Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet, Right Worshipful Depute Grand Master. During the summer of that year, Bro Derek Milne RWM, headed a party of forty Brethren, wives and two children to Kenya. During their three week stay in Mombasa the Brethren attended the installation at Lodge MacKinnon No.1531 when the RWM replied on behalf of the visitors at the Festival of St John. They also visited Lodge Kenya Gate No.4851 (English Constitution).
On the 18th November 1984 a Lodge of Sorrow, in memory of Bro William Chalmers Walker, Past Master, was held in the Lodge Rooms. At the regular meeting of the Lodge on the 8th January 1985, Bro Sir James Wilson McKay, Right Worshipful Immediate Past Grand Master, was made an Honorary Member of the Lodge. On the 26th March 1985 Bro Alexander Tulloch PM was presented with a jewel, acknowledging his appointment as an Honorary Senior Provincial Grand Warden. The Brethren of Lodge St Margaret continued with their travels when in February 1986 RWM Bro Ken MacDougall led a deputation to Northern Ireland and visited the Provincial Grand Lodge of County Down on the occasion of the installation of Provincial Office Bearers. The following day the Brethren attended the meeting of Lodge Trafalgar No.826 (Irish Constitution). During the Installation of Bro JM Marcus Humphrey of Dinnet in November 1986 to the delight of the 548 Brethren, Bro Alexander Tulloch PM was bestowed the Honorary Grand Rank of Bible-Bearer for his outstanding service to his Mother Lodge over many years. At a special meeting of the Lodge on 31 October 1987 the Brethren of 548 were delighted to host a visit from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, headed by Bro Sir James McKay, Right Worshipful Immediate Past Grand Master, accompanied by six distinguished members of Grand Lodge. The occasion was to pay tribute to Bro Alexander Fraser PM 548 for his eight years of service to Freemasonry while Provincial Grand Master of Linlithgowshire. Bro Sir James McKay in an eloquent address thanked Bro Fraser for his valuable support, his vision and dedication to Freemasonry. At the conclusion of his tribute Bro Sir James McKay unveiled a portrait of Bro Fraser which now hangs in the east of the Lodge. The portrait, paid for by the lodge Past Masters, was painted by Bro David Paris Craig, PM Lodge Broughty Castle No 486. On the 26th April 1988 a most interesting part of the history of Lodge St Margaret No 548 unfolded when Bro James McCormack RWM, Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel) No.1 presented a rare artefact in the form of a sash from St Margaret's Lodge No.288, which was the lodge established in Queensferry in November 1820.
Other than the notes on the first page of this historical sketch, this is the only evidence we have of the existence of this Lodge. Bro James Fraser RWM thanked the Brethren of the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel) No.1 for the return of such a valuable piece of memorabilia. On the second regular meeting of the Lodge in November 1991 Bro James McDonald RWM had the sad duty of informing the Brethren that one of our most distinguished Past Masters Bro Alexander Fraser had passed to the Grand Lodge Above. During his 32 years as a member of Lodge St Margaret his love for his Mother Lodge was always evident, particularly in the upkeep of the premises. Another incident was when he installed his own brother James into the Chair of the King Solomon in January 1988 and much to the surprise and delight of the Brethren he placed a Master's Chain of Office round the neck of the new RWM. This will be a lasting memory of the love and affection Bro Alexander Fraser had for his Mother Lodge. On the 10th March 1992 a curling rink from the Lodge comprising Bro Peter Allan, Bro Tom Chmylowskyj, Bro James Aitken and Bro A Cooper travelled to Ayr and returned with the "Glen Caladh Curling Trophy" having won the annual Scottish Masonic Curling Competition. In October 1992 the Lodge was honoured when Bro James Thomson, Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master, accepted Honorary Membership of Lodge St Margaret. In April 1993 the Lodge presented Bro Robert Summers, PM with the regalia and jewel of a Past Senior Provincial Grand Warden. The regalia and jewel originally belonged to Bro Archibald Mathieson, PM 548, who kindly returned them to the Lodge for Bro Summers. This completed the set as Bro Mathieson returned his Past Master jewel in order that it could be presented to Bro Summers in January 1980. On the occasion of the annual visit by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire on the 12th April 1994, Bro Rev J Arnold Fletcher, provincial Grand Junior Chaplain dedicated the new Past Masters Board. The board was presented to Lodge St Margaret by the Queensferry Royal Arch Chapter No.389 on the occasion of its 75th Anniversary in 1989.
On May 5th 1994 Bro Tom Chmylowskyj, RWM conducted a Lodge of Sorrow in memory of Bro James Milne, PM, Past Depute Provincial Grand Master and Honorary Grand Architect of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and Bro Archibald Mathieson, Past Master and Past Senior Provincial Grand Warden. On the 25th April 1995 Bro Henry Livingston was presented with his Jubilee Diploma for 50 years membership of the Lodge. In recognition of his kind support to Lodge St Margaret over many years Bro William James Hilditch, Provincial Grand Master of Linlithgowshire was made an Honorary Member in May 1997. At the regular meeting on the 10th February 1998 Bro Sandy Tulloch PM and Bro James Orr PM were presented with Jubilee Diplomas to mark 50 years of Service to their Mother Lodge. The Diplomas were presented by Bro Gavin MacDonald, Provincial Grand Master. Unfortunately due to ill health Bro Peter Anderson and Bro John Davidson could not attend to receive their Diplomas. Bro William Rennie, RWM, presented them in their own homes. During the 1998 summer recess the Lodge Rooms were further improved in preparation of the 125th celebrations in February 1999. Part of the improvements included a painted mural behind the Master's chair which was commissioned and donated to the Lodge by Bro T Scott Eadie, PM. The mural was painted by Bro Michael Bower of Lodge Nova Ceasera Harmony in Cincinnati, Ohio, who has affiliated to Lodge Newbattle St Mary No.1063. This concludes the highlights of the Lodge history as gleaned from the minute books of 1974 to 1999.
Tonight think not of 125 years in time, but of those Brethren known and unknown whose memorial is not in stone or mortar but is writ into the incomplete and continuing story of Lodge St Margaret No.548.