
On January 10th 1888, the members of the Lodge instructed the Secretary to purchase four pairs of woollen drawers for the use of candidates.
In April 1888 Lodge St Margaret petitioned Grand Lodge for Transference to the Metropolitan District of Edinburgh.
On May 5th 1888 the Lodge passed a motion that the Master should be granted the authority to provide relief for poor brethren passing through the town, the amount of relief being, at the Master’s discretion, 6d to 3/-.
Once again, members of Lodge St Margaret were invited to assist at the laying of a foundation stone for Lodge Zetland No.391, Grangemouth.
On January 18th 1897 a Lodge Assembly, or Ball, was held, presided over by Bro G B Sandercombe, RWM, the receipts on account of tickets amounting to £9 5 0d and the drawings from the bar amounting to £4 1 5d. The total expenses came to £11 12 0d, there being a balance in hand of £1 14 5d.
On February 5th 1901 it was proposed by Bro G B Sandercome, PM, and seconded by Bro W Marshall that Lodge St Margaret record in their minutes their profound sorrow and deep sympathy with King Edward VII in the irreparable loss of his beloved Mother and Queen. His Majesty being Grand Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of England and Honorary Member of several other Lodges.
On April 19th 1901 a jewel was presented to Bro Sandercombe, PM, by Bro W Marshall and in a few well chosen and well deserved remarks, decorated Bro Sandercombe with same. Toasts and speeches interspersed with songs and banjo selections continued until rather late in the evening when the brethren most quietly dispersed.
On 8th December 1903 a letter was read from the Grand Lodge and it was unanimously agreed that the Lodge be registered as a Club.
On 24th May 1904 general committee proposals were approved by the Lodge for:

  • Platform to be erected in the Lodge capable of seating RWM and five others
  • Pedestals and columns for Wardens to be obtained
  • New fireplace with tiled sides to be fitted in the main hall
  • New gaslights to be fitted at the entrance to the lower hall and one at the main entrance
  • New gate to be fitted at the entrance in the alley leading to the lower hall.
  • New chair for RWM and new kneeling cushions

In May 1905 the committee decided to hold a picnic at St Andrew’s with no ladies present.   In June, this proposal caused great discussion in the Lodge with the presence of ladies being the main point.   As a result the picnic was abandoned.
On 9th January 1906 a paragraph of a letter from Provincial Grand Secretary was read congratulating Lodge St Margaret on the number of entrants for the year ending 30th November 1905 which mentioned that Lodge St Margaret far exceeded any other Lodge in the Province.
On January 4th 1915 Lodge members were advised that the military authorities had taken the hall since the morning of the 23rd December and, as there was the likelihood of them being in possession of the hall for an indefinite period, the committee considered its only course was to intimate to Grand Lodge that it was proposed to suspend the meetings until further notice. The military advised that they would pay a rent of £3 per week for the use of the hall. On 26th January 1915 the Secretary notified the Lodge that the Black Watch Regiment would not require the Masonic Hall as a billet after the 25th January. It was agreed to ask the Sanitary Inspector to have the premises disinfected and, after that was done, the Tyler was instructed to arrange for having the hall cleaned.
On Tuesday 8th October 1918 the Master stated that shortly after the Lodge was closed for the summer vacation, the Admiralty had commandeered the upper hall for the purpose of storing hospital cots and that the Provincial Grand Substitute Master and Provincial Grand Secretary had visited Queensferry and examined the lower hall. They approved of Lodge meetings being held there in the meantime. Meetings continued in the lower hall until March 11th 1919.
The Lodge met on Tuesday 12th November 1918 the day after Armistice Day, and the Master referred in appropriate terms to the cessation of hostilities after fully four years of war and expressed appreciation of this Lodge to the various branches of the Services for the part they had taken in maintaining the rights of justice. He mentioned that between 50 and 60 active members of the Lodge – five of whom had fallen and one of whom was a prisoner of war – were on the Roll of Honour and hoped that the absent brethren would soon be home among their friends again.
On 10th December 1918, the Master, on behalf of the Lodge, extended a very cordial welcome to Brother John Wilson who was present and had been only a day or two previously returned from Belgium where he had been a prisoner of war for some months. Bro Wilson was heartily congratulated on his safe return and the Lodge expressed the hope that he would soon be restored to his usual health and able to take an active interest in the affairs of the Lodge, as he had done in the past. Bro Wilson thanked the brethren for giving him such a hearty reception and related some of his sad experiences while he was a prisoner of war.
In October 1927 members of the Lodge decided to install electric lighting in the Temple. An estimate was accepted from Thomas Laurie and Co, Electrical Engineers, Falkirk, to install 21 lights, 5 lighting plugs and one watertight outside bracket for the sum of £33 19 6d.